Process Management / Acceptance into Service / SolarWinds Request Forms
While developing the SolarWinds Service Wrapper I realised I required a simple way to request functional monitoring of each server and device on the network that may not be part of a bigger application or service and may require monitoring in its own right.
To do this I put together simple request forms to utilise so that others can understand each aspect of the monitoring process. These process forms become valuable documentation for any infrastructure team seeking to understand service deliverables.
The Monitoring Request Form is for every time a node is added into SolarWinds.
This form includes the name of the node, the IP address and the polling method. Thresholds can be specified and the resources to be monitored can also be specified.
If the new node is a network device or a lone server, or if you simply want to work this way, documenting each node for completeness, then this is the perfect way to create that documentation.
A range of IP’s and names can be used to add multiple additional devices at the same time.
The Alert Request Form is for every single non-OOTB (out of the the box) Alert in SolarWinds.
This form allows specification of every aspect of the alert, the conditions and the actions.
This is a great way to specify changes to alerts too.
The Report Request Form is for covers reporting requirements in SolarWinds.
The chart type can be specified along with table headings.
Basic specified information covers Server Info / Application detail / Performance & Availability.
The Transaction Request Form covers a web performance transaction in SolarWinds.
The server should be specified and the HTTP/S sites should then be targetted.
Action steps will then be specified to run tests against to produce alerts and detail for web performance reports.
Are these free to download and use for anyone?
Thanks I’ve already downloaded these from THWACK when you posted them on there.
Useful docs thanks.